10 Easy Ways To Eat Healthy on a Budget
Last Updated on July 27, 2021 by ELLEASH

This post will detail 10 easy ways to eat healthy on a budget. We should all strive to eat better, but doing it on a budget can seem unfeasible. So don't despair, with this post I am outlining the best ways you can save money and eat super healthy food all the time.
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10 Easy Ways To Eat Healthy on a Budget
Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,
With the economic situation in the world being what it is, itâs important to find ways of eating healthy on a budget. Itâs possible to purchase foods that are good for you and your budget; you merely have to plan ahead to get the best food you can for the money you have available.
Having a plan and sticking to it can help you get more food at less cost and allow you to prepare better, more healthy meals.
If you are interested in meal planning, check out my FREE printables, made just for you âşď¸
Here are some tips to help you succeed in eating healthy on a budget:
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Grocery Shopping
1. Set aside time to make your food plan
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Find the sales ads for each of the grocery stores in your area and decide on your meals for the coming week ahead of time. It's often hard to set aside time when you are a busy Mom, busy working or even a student.
But trust me, if you can set aside 30mins of your time, not only will you be saving precious time in the long-run, not having to think about what you're going to be eating the next few meals, you are also going to be saving money.
And we all love saving money when on a budget!!
In France, we receive the 'promotions' pamphlets, every week, usually Mondays (I know, right?! Super handy!!) and it does help in choosing the products we would need for the week. I usually flip through them at breakfast, to get an idea of what I actually need, and then in the evening, will tick off the specials that interest me.Â
If you prefer not to receive all the paper pamphlets, opt for them to arrive in your inbox. That way, you can also compare the prices directly on your phone!
2. Make a list
After youâve planned your meals, write down everything you need for each meal. Check your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator to see if you already have some of the items. Make your grocery list and to stick with it!
- Include what youâll need for drinks, snacks and desserts.
- Remember your ingredients for preparation, such as butter, flour, sugar, and spices.
- Replenish cleaning supplies.
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This is the cardinal rule BEFORE any grocery shopping. Not only is it super frustrating when you return home, with your full week's worth of shopping, only to realize that you already have some items you have just bought!Â
This rule also applies when you are meal planning.
Don't meal prep meals from items you have to purchase. ALWAYS do your food preparation and meal plannings with products you already have. This will definitely save you money when you are on a budget.
If you have been reading my posts or just following my blog in general, you know how much I am obsessed with note-taking! I always have a notebook or  notepad handy, and when I am going through my meal planning or grocery list, I like to use this lovely notepad, that you can just pop in your handbag when needed.Â
But an old envelope also does the trick! I like to use my notepad, because I'm a stationery-obsessed kinda gal!
Some related posts:
3. Clip coupons
Do this for items you know youâll use. Leave the remainder of the coupons at home so youâre not tempted to âsaveâ money on items you donât need. In France, most of our coupons are given to us when we shop at a store and then can be used within the week or month.
Ever since the pandemic hit in 2020, there are sites, in France, that are popping up on which you can find loads of coupons which definitely help you stick to budget.Â
4. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach
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This is a no brainer! If you have ever done so, youâve more likely bought items that look good rather than those on your list. I remember going grocery shopping one day, just after a long day at work, and having also having just picked up Little C from daycare. The double whammy! Let me tell you, that I just grabbed whatever I could put my hands on, just to get the heck outta there ASAP!
Little tip: If you canât go to the store right after a meal, take along a light snack to help you resist temptation while in the store.
Other little tip:
Don't go shopping after a super long dat at work, and even less with bubba in tow!
5. Buy items on the perimeter of the store first
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These items are the healthiest choices. This will include fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy items. The center items are processed or convenience foods. Not only are they more expensive, but they arenât healthy.
Usually, the stores in which you shop will have a'specials' section. That is an aile or ailes in which all the specials of the pamphlets are held.
Read wisely though! Sometimes they are sneaky and they will add non-promotional products there, so don't go above budget by being sucked in to their specials, which aren't really some!Â
You can also buy products that have a shorter use-by-date. These are often going out of date the same day you are shopping, so if your meal plan has some of those items, why not buy them cheaper?? Or why not freeze products, even if they are going out -of-date that same day? They will be absolutely fine in your freezer. Just keep track of what you have by taking notes of what goes in and come out of your freezer.Â
I have been using this list to help me stay on track with all the items that are going in & out of my freezer, pantry and cupboards. It has helped me stay super organized but also save money and stick to my budget, without having to compromise on healthy eating for my family.Â
Feel free to download it if you would like to stay on budget and still eat yummy healthy food!Â
6. Look for fruits and vegetables that are in season
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These will often be cheaper than non-seasonal choices. While youâre looking at the fruits and vegetables, see if there are any sales on these healthy, nutrient rich foods.
Little tip:
Choose large bags rather than individual pieces of fruit. The larger bags are often cheaper by the kilo.
7. Buy store or generic brands
There usually isnât much difference in the way the foods taste but you can definitely see a difference in the price. More often than not, the generic or store brand, are manufactured by the same brand company. By being "less" choosier, you can definitely still eat healthy AND stay on budget!
Some related posts:
Other Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget
8. Make your own snacks
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For your familyâs time away from home rather than allowing them to purchase food from vending machines, confectioning your own snacks is the best way to never spend unnecessary money and always have fresh and healthy goodness. Fresh fruit and vegetable sticks with dip are much healthier than the bags of chips or crackers that come from the machines.
9. Eat at home
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Whenever possible, make your food from scratch and eat it at home. Not only will this give you more control over what your family eats, but it can also save you a considerable amount of money. Currently, with the pandemic we have been unable to eat any meals in a restaurant, but I have definitely seen a significant change in my budget!Â
Despite enjoying take-away meals every now and again, eating your own prepared meals, is not only a way to eat healthy, but a great way to stick to your budget.
Little tip:
Eating out also encourages overeating because portion sizes are massive.
10. Drink healthy
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Finally, when eating healthy on a budget, donât forget to think about what youâre drinking. Expensive, sugar-laden drinks are the bane of your budget and counter-productive to healthy eating.
- Look for 100% pure juices
- Drink low fat milk
- Drink more water
- Cut out soft drinks
We all know the benefits of drinking water and how it can not only be good for your health, but also great for your budget. Check out this post about why water is super important for your daily routine, and learn some tips on how you can actually drink more of it! Read the post, Water is the key to your natural beauty, here.Â
The Takeaway
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We know that having healthy eating habits starts at home. Yet, we sometimes forget that being organized can also help you to not only eat yummy and healthy, but also help you stick to a budget.
If you follow these tips, youâll soon discover the joys of healthy eating and youâll save money in the process. You may have to spend some extra time preparing food, but the benefits are astounding!
I hope you enjoyed this piece about sticking to a budget and still be able to eat delicious and healthy meals. If you did enjoy reading it, be sure to check out my other self-care and healthy lifestyle content. Don't forget your FREEÂ meal planning bundle that you can download here, as well as your freezer and pantry inventory checklist, that you can download here.
Elle Ash xo