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How To Create Calm When All You Hear Is Noise

30 days for creating calm

This post is all about how to create calm when all you hear is noise.

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Oh, and just in case — I am NOT a mental health professional! What I write are my experiences, tips & personal advice. If you are in need of help, please don't hesitate to contact a professional!
Please read the full disclosure here concerning that point. 
Okay, that's out of the way - READ ON!!

Are you ready for self care challenge ideas?

Self-care is all about making time for you—because when you feel your best, you can give your best. It’s not just bubble baths and cozy blankets (though those are great!); it’s about nourishing your body, calming your mind, and lifting your spirit.

That’s where self-care challenge ideas come in! A 30-day challenge is the perfect way to explore new habits and sprinkle some fun into your routine. Why 30 days? It’s short enough to keep things exciting but long enough to see real results. Whether it’s journaling for gratitude, sipping more water, or carving out time to stretch, these challenges give you a clear focus and a reason to celebrate small wins every day.

So, why not try one? Self-care challenge ideas are your ticket to shaking things up, creating meaningful change, and having a little fun while you’re at it.

Get ready to take your self care to the newt level with Day 1. You’ve got this!



Why it's More Important than Ever to Create Calm



Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,

I'm thrilled you've decided to come along on this month-long journey to discovering a life of peace you may not have known could exist. 

I know that may sound like an exaggeration, but it's truly not. Living a calmer life is possible.

Today's world is more hectic by nature. Everything seems to be moving faster and making so much more noise. As I sit at my desk, writing out this first post, I am flabbergasted at the noise level I am actually having to endure every single day! 

If you actually take a step back and listen to all the bustling background noise in your life, it's no wonder we sometimes crack and just need some peace, quiet and why it's so important we find ways to create calm.

However, the basic resources for creating serenity remain the same. Learning just a few tips and tools can help you gain control of the chaos that seems to constantly surround you.

That's not to say it will be easy. After all, we have so many obligations, things we can take on during the day. There are tons of people, tasks, deadlines, and more clamoring for your attention. It can be tough to tune out all the distractions and to focus on one thing at a time. 

As a teacher, I know exactly what it's like to try and cut out the fluff and focus on my work, my students and colleagues! 

Yet, all of that extra noise really adds to your stress levels over time. The fact that there are noise reducing apps and technology says a lot! 

Personally, I have been using these noise reducing headphones, since the Covid pandemic and I must admit they have been a total lifesaver!! They may not be your top-of-the range headphones, but they seriously get the job done!

One of the biggest reasons for our stress is that there is disarray and discord throughout our lives, along with the pressing obligations weighing on our shoulders. It can all become too much to bear.

During this challenge, I'll walk you through the various areas of your life and show you ways you can take charge of the never-ending pandemonium that seems to confront you on a daily basis.



Let's start with clutter

Whether it's at home, on the job, or in your mind, clutter is a huge obstacle to calm.

Technology can add to feeling hyped-up. The constant bombarding of smartphone alerts and ever-present media can have you on-edge and out-of-sorts.

Your immediate surroundings also play a big role in how you feel at any one moment. When all you see is mess and disorganization, it's bound to affect you in a negative way.

In addition to showing you the ways in which your life can be consumed by chaos, many of which you may never have suspected, I'll share with you concrete methods for addressing them.

You'll discover tools for taking control of your life's disarray, no matter what the source.

Journaling, meditation, morning routines, streamlining, organization, and other techniques are just the beginning of taking back your life and creating calm.

While life can seem like a free-for-all sometimes, it truly doesn't have to. Understanding what leads to the chaos and learning simple strategies to deal with these sources can go far toward creating a calmer world, at least in your little corner of it.

Join me for a journey that I feel confident will lead to great things for you. I'm happy and honored to have you along with me. Let's get started! 

The next post that will follow is all about clutter and how it causes stress & overwhelm. 

Until then, stay humble, grateful and remember that today may not be the best day, but you can always improve on it!

Elle Ash xo



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