This post will detail 5 ways you can boost your motivation. If you have ever felt like, come Q4, you're losing steam to be productive and just feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, this post is for you. I am detailing 5 ways you can boost your motivation, with the help of what some scientists say.
5 Ways To Boost Your MotivationÂ
Last Updated on January 4, 2025 by ELLEASH

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Please read the full disclosure here concerning that point.Â
Okay, that's out of the way - READ ON!!
How To Boost Your Motivation
With 5 Simple Tips
Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,
Is it me or has the fact that we are in Q4, completely zapped the motivation out of you?!
I know for me, I am mega productive early-August, when I start preparing my school year, and it gets super busy in September when little C goes back to school and I go back to work!Â
So when October rolls around, I am already reaching for my multi-vitamins and hoping my energy levels will keep me afloat until Christmas!
But it's usually the opposite and I am feeling less motivated and productive, come October.
That's why I thought it would be a great idea to actually see how you (and in passing, I) could boost your motivation levels.
What do the scientists say?
From Unsplash
Educational Psychologist Kou Murayama, PhD says that motivation is important in almost every aspect of human behavior.
He states that a person's decisions and actions regarding the choices they make are heavily influenced by their level of motivation.
It is undeniable that if you decide to do something, following through with it is harder and unsuccessful when you lack the drive to actually get it done.
According to Murayama, motivation is vital to education. Not having the scafolding or strong base knowledge, when you are a child, that starting something is good, but actually going through with it is even better, could possibly become a liability in your future.
His study also looked at the types of rewards that worked when trying to motivate. What are you trying to gain? Are you more interested in something that is why you're doing it? Is it because you will find recognition in your work, that you are driven to work hard? Or is there something else?
There is no doubt that finding the motivation to start, and complete, a task, takes work. It is also a given that there will be roadblocks along the way.
Your job is to surpass those barriers and figure out ways to navigate the obstacles.Â
My job, today, is to help you find ways in which you can regain your momentum and guide you back to your inner drive and bring you to your success!
How To Boost Your Motivation
From Unsplash
Tip n°1: Simplify Your Life
If you're anything like most people, you tend to keep things for ages, not really knowing what to do with the items, once you've found them again in some lost corner or your house!
Poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote âThings which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.â and this cannot be any truer.
If you overload your life with too much "stuff", it just becomes way too complicated and you can tend to lose focus on the things that matter the most in your life.
When we are surrounded by distraction it becomes difficult to focus on the things that matter the most.Â
Simplifying your life doesn't need to be hard nor unpleasant! On the contrary there are many ways in which you can achieve to feel less overwhelmed when it comes to simplifying your life.
The best way to do so is to actually get rid of the items that create stress and anxiety in your life. A good, hard, session of decluttering can help you feel so much better!
Want to learn more about decluttering? Do you feel like you need to get rid of your excess stuff, but just don't know where and how to begin?
Do you need a better method of actually feeling less overwhelmed by your stuff? I've got you covered right here.Â
Download my free e-book here, or by clicking on the button below, that will give you amazingly simple methods to get your decluttering started.Â
It's incredibly liberating and there's no time than now to actually start getting your life back on track and getting powerful & useful decluttering strategies!
By letting go of activities and items that serve no real profound purpose to you, and that no longer produce any benefits, you are increasing your space to accept more simple, yet beneficial & that have deep meaning for you.
With less "stuff" to distract you, you are ready to focus on what's much more important and your motivation will increase exponentially!
Tip n°2: Focus on your accomplishments
From Unsplash
The important point here is to not focus solely on your failures. Failing at things is part of the learning process, however solely focusing on what isn't working, doesn't help you grow in a positive manner.
By only focusing on what didn't work, you can seriously put a limit on your motivation.Â
Professor of psychology Timothy A Pychyl Ph.D., who will be retiring in 2022 from his teaching functions, suggests that our motivation grows as we focus on our competencies.Â
By concentrating on what we are actually doing right, and that we are getting something positive out of, can only make us want to do more of it and even possibly excel at it!
If we only focus on our failures, we start to develop a fair of failing, and inevitably don't get anywhere!
I have a small anecdote that I'd like to add here. Little C just recently learned how to tie her shoelaces. She was the last one in her class to be able to and it frustrated her beyond no end! We kept encouraging her and telling her to just do her best and if it didn't work the way she wanted to, then we were here to help.Â
The problem was, because she was so focused on not being able to, she developed this mentality of not wanting to try, because she feared she'd not be able to!
As a parent that is a huge challenge to negotiate with a little kid! My initial thoughts were if she starts to think like that at 6, how is she going to be at 16??
So instead of letting her focus on her not being able to tie her shoelaces, we encouraged her by telling her all the things she was able to do before her school friends!
And low and behold - after all those pep talks, she managed to tie her shoelaces after her 3rd try!!Â
The lesson here is that no matter how many times you start something and it doesn't turn out the way you want to, you have to focus on what other things you can do and more often than not, you will unlock something in your mind to help you achieve what it was you wanted to in the beginning!!
And more importantly, not miss out on something you've just not wanted to try for fear of not being good at it, or being to do it.Â
Check out this article if you'd like to read more about the fear of failure:Â
Remember that you are the only one to decide what you want to focus on: success or failure.
You need to understand that failing isn't the be end or end all, it is just a step in your growth development. Nevertheless, you mustn't solely focus on those failures. Celebrate your successes and see failures as a learning curve, on which you can then build a strong motivational base.
Tip N°3: Set Goals That Are Measurable and Achievable
From Unsplash
By focusing on your successes, you have to create a regular flow of things to succeed in! Having a constant stream of achievement in your life will enable you find pleasure in discovering new things as well as gaining motivational momentum.
This is only attainable if by way of progress you set yourself attainable goals. This starts with baby steps.
If your ultimate goal is to run the Paris marathon, don't imagine for one instant you're going to be able to run it, if there has been no scaffolding beforehand, and you're just starting on your running journey!
Start by setting yourself an objective that is sustainable and that you can actually reach.Â
By setting yourself achievable goals, you're going to have a sense of great success once you have met them. By being regular in your goal-setting, you are bound to form a habit of well-being from achieving them and wanting to keep going - basically be motivated for more!
Tip N°4: Start Having Positive Habits
From Unsplash
Having good new habits can be challenging when you are starting out. However, practising good new habits can definitely have a huge impact on your motivation.Â
Imagine, for example, you decide to learn a new skill for fun then make this a regular habit. As you progress with this skill and improve you prove to yourself that you are a motivated person.
This will carry over into other aspects of your life as well.
Some related posts:
- Achieve Anything You Set Your Mind To With Small Habits
- What Are The Benefits Of Having Mini Habits?
- How Can I Build New Habits and How Long Does It Really Take?
- What Are The Benefits Of Having Habits & Routines And How Can You Implement Them In Your Life?
- 3 Amazing Secrets To Creating New & Sustainable Habits
Tip N°5: Get Healthy(ier)
From Unsplash
We all have had moments in our life when we have been so sick that nothing really tickles our fancy!Â
Now, this isn't always the case, however, when you are feeling good in your body and mind, you have the sensation that you can take on the world!Â
Yet, having an unhealthy diet or environment definitely impacts on our motivation. Practising having a good health regime is essential when wanting to boost your motivation.
By being healthy, we feel much more positive, are open to new things and generally more optimistic and happy to get things done.Â
Some posts that may be of interest to you:
The takeaway
From Unsplash
As you can see boosting your motivation doesn't require too much hard work!Â
It does require you to be regular in your choices, as well as know what you want to achieve and how you're going to do just that.Â
There's no need for you to try out heaps of things at once and raise the bar too high! It will only lead to a misunderstanding and just get you totally unmotivated, and that is not what you want!
Stay healthy, positive, make good choices and start with baby steps! These are definitely going to help you boost your motivation!
I hope you enjoyed this post and that your path to becoming an even better version of yourself is enjoyable and filled with learning!
Don't forget to check out our new posts here.
Elle Ash xo