This post is all about meditation for calm and peace.
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This post is the 4th of our 30-day self care challenge on the topic of Creating Calm. I will be looking at how you can create inner calm through meditation.
Meditation for Calm and Peace

Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,
In the previous blog post, I introduced you to the difference between physical and mental clutter. It's this mental type that people often overlook when considering what's keeping them from experiencing calm; however, mental clutter can have a huge impact on your overall emotional state.
Today, I'd like to introduce you to a practice that is known to tame the overwhelm of your mind: meditation.
Meditation can do just that, and it offers numerous benefits for your brain and your overall well-being.
Let's take a look.
about meditation
Meditation is a practice in which you work to still the mind and to concentrate only on the present moment. It can take a number of forms such as guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, and more. No matter which form it takes, the main point of such exercises is to focus attention, eliminating distractions and intrusive thoughts.
This practice has been in use by various cultures for thousands of years, which is proof to me that it is effective and useful. Some cultures consider meditation to be a part of their religion, and it can be a very spiritual activity in general.
These days, people usually meditate in an attempt to overcome the stress and anxiety associated with the modern world. It has the power to lead to a tranquil state and overall improved well-being when done regularly.
benefits of meditation
Meditation offers a wide range of benefits. Many of these are directly related to the practitioner's state of mind, but the practice can also improve physical health. The effects are long-lasting. You'll find yourself feeling calmer and noting improvements in your physical well-being long after your meditation session ends.
Meditation helps to diminish the mental overload that can overwhelm you, leading to less stress. This renewed state can often provide you with clarity when it comes to the issues you face throughout your life. Health benefits of meditation include decreased depression symptoms, lessened anxiety, reduction in chronic pain, improved sleep, and less frequent tension headaches, among others.
A simple breathing meditation
While there are a number of different kinds of mediations, one of the easiest to start with is a simple breathing exercise. Controlled breathing is a part of many meditative practices. It can help you to gain focus and to "blow away" stress.
Find a quiet space with a comfortable chair. Sit up straight, with your feet flat on the floor. You could also take a seated position on a floor pillow, if you prefer. Begin by inhaling deeply, pushing your stomach muscles, or diaphragm, outward. Inhale slowly, allowing your stomach to return to its resting position. Continue this until you find a comfortable rhythm. Try to push all thoughts out of your mind, but don't worry too much if intrusive ideas sneak in.
Five minutes is usually long enough to gain the benefits, but your session can be as long as is comfortable when starting out.
tips for successful meditation
Many individuals think of sitting on top of a mountaintop with legs folded and fingers poised when thinking about successful meditation. Meditation does not, however, have to be that extreme. As a matter of fact, meditation can be quite simple if you follow a few tried and true tips for successful meditation.
Set Aside an Allotted Time
When it comes to meditating successfully, make sure that you have an allotted time set aside each week for this purpose. If you choose to start meditating, it is best to begin with a once per week practice until you are more comfortable with the art of meditating.
Even if you have to put it in red pen on your calendar, put it on your calendar. Use your smart phone to schedule a reminder or even send yourself an email reminding you of your date with rest and relaxation. The rewards of being intentional about meditating are worth their weight in gold.
Let Everyone Know of Your Intentions
Let everyone in your household know that you will be taking on the practice of meditation and when, how, and where you will begin this process of transformation. Let everyone know that you are committed and disciplined to maintaining this goal and that your health and his or her happiness depend on it, as well. Let your family in on a little secret. Tell them that meditating will be good for you and create a happier more relaxed and healthier you. This will have a trickle down effect on all of your family members and it is in their best interest to support you as you go on this newfound journey.
Pick a Location
Find a soothing, relaxing, and out of the way area for your meditation practice. Set up the area with a few comforting photos, some scented candles, a comfy pillow, and a nice throw rug. Even if it is just a corner of your bedroom where you can go and lock yourself in and not be disturbed, it is very important to claim your private space for your meditation retreat.
Educate Yourself
Educate yourself on the art of meditation to that you will have a base knowledge before you begin. Get some educational materials to view, watch some videos online, and gather some reading material on the subject.
Arming yourself with knowledge before you begin will allow you to have a more peaceful and results oriented experience.
By educating yourself, setting aside a quiet location, letting your family know of your intentions, and securing a quiet spot to meditate in, you can float into a meditation experience that is successful and peaceful all rolled into one.
some recommendations
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the takeaway
It is unlikely that anyone consciously decides to have clutter in his or her homes or their lives. Unfortunately, clutter tends to creep in and take over once it starts. Use these tips for decluttering your life and you will marvel at the sense of freedom you experience.
The next post that will follow is all about creating a calm space for yourself.
Until then, stay humble, grateful and remember that today may not be the best day, but you can always improve on it!
This post was all about meditation for calm and peace.
Elle Ash xo