Elle AshBe The Entrepreneur of Your Life

Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,

This themes page is where you will find all my themed series.

Enjoy the journey …

Keep being ambitious, creative and

Be the Entrepreneur of Your Life™!

Elle Ash from elleash.blog

I’m Laura, but most people call me by my first initial /el/.

I am lover of words, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a mental health advocate, fiercely loyal, super camera shy, and love bubbles – the drinkin’ kind!

Coming from a diverse background, I have lived around the world, but now call Paris, France, my home.

I am an adoptee, I love being creative, with my mind, as well as, with my hands.

Oh and I’m a leftie!!

I’m so happy to have you check out my blog and its content.

Feel free to leave a comment in my inbox, I’m always super glad when people drop me lines!

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