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Welcome to my newest baby - my blog! I'm so glad you are here to join me on this beautiful ride, that we all call life.
I created this blog, as I am a firm believer that words can empower and encourage women, when used wisely and with kindness.
My aim is to ensure our voices are heard and that we start and continue to get the conversations flowing.
I have a motto in life and that is to Be The Entrepreneur of Your Life, to take action when needed, to speak up when unheard, but mostly to be you, do you and never compromise when something you feel so passionately about, is not going how you feel it should.
I'll be posting original content, pieces on topics that I find SO important to write about, and this blog will enable to do just that.
I have also set up an IG account to make this content readily available to those who wish to read in more detail what I just glaze over on IG.
I also hope that you get to know me a little more through these posts - because , let's face it, your girl here loves to write!! And if these writings can make you smile, giggle or cry, then I am doing the right thing!
In hope that reading these posts will be pleasurable and enable you to
Be The Entrepreneur of Your Life.
Elle Ash xo