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This piece will be tackling the topic of RESILIENCE. This is the fifth part of the article, which will deal with RESILIENCE IN CHILDREN.
Last Updated on January 4, 2025 by ELLEASH
Hey hey my lovely entrepreneurs,
I am not what has happened to me.
I am what I choose to become.
Carl Jung

In this post, I will be writing about DEVELOPING RESILIENCE IN CHILDREN. This is something that I am also incredibly passionate about as well! Not only, because of my background in teaching, but because I am a mother.
I want my daughter to have the same, if not more, sharpened tools to navigate through life than I have.
And even if you are not a teacher, a parent, I can bet my last dollar, that you are an influential and another important adult in a child’d life.
Even if you don’t know it yet!
Childhood & Adolescence
We often associate being carefree and without any worries to childhood, but growing up is probably the hardest step in our life!
Being a child or teen definitely does not shield you from being thrown into the deep end of the dramas of life.
In fact it is quite the opposite, isn’t it?

Childhood and adolescence are 2 periods in our life that are crucial to enable us to become happy and well adjusted adults. It’s therefore important to not want to skip “steps” nor force the child into something they will later resent you for, and will definitely not learn anything from it.
How to encourage resilience in the children in your life:

And let’s not forget to teach children to accept that change is an inevitable part of living, and that we can always replace goals that have become unattainable with new, more relevant goals (APA Help Center, n.d.).
I hope these tips will help and enable you to encourage resilience in your children, or the children in your life.
Click here for the final part of this themed series.
Elle Ash xo